User login data is not grouped in any kind of ‘database’, so the breach of any database is not possible. We can officially state that the player database has never been compromised and any rumours of such are false. Last but not least, you can head over to the Training Ground to create all kinds of gameplay scenarios with the game parameters and available vehicles of your choice. You can download these at your leisure from. The game also has User Missions, which are created by the players themselves. For lovers of historical battles, War Thunder also has a special mode called “ World War”. Players can also fight against AI-controlled enemies either in the Historical and Dynamic Campaigns or together with other people in the cooperative PvE Assault missions. The list of these battles is constantly updated. Go to the “Events and Tournaments” section if you wish to participate in combat with unconventional conditions some of which include re-enactments of real historic battles. All three modes see players fighting each other in team battles while completing objectives that include capturing and holding special points or destroying/defending designated targets.
#War thunder pc to ps4 simulator#
Realistic Battles and Simulator Battles, on the other hand, are tailored to those who wish for maximum historical accuracy. The simplified Arcade mode best suits rookie warriors who want a quick tutorial in combat and winning battles. The great diversity of missions and modes allows players to choose their desired level of difficulty.